Halloween Broom Carving

£4.00 - £7.00

average 5.2cm tall 3cm wide (at base) 22g

Yooperlite is the stone of truth and allowing you to recognise and express feelings objectively. This stone helps you to release anger and negative thoughts, and to fight your fears and phobias, by creating a clear and perspective mind, helping you to find inner peace. It stimulates self-acceptance and self-confidence.

Obsidian is the most known “protection stone”, as it keeps you clear when it comes to negative emotions and negative energy, being a safety blanket in your times of need, ensuring you aren’t dragged down by any external (or internal) forces. This stone is all about finding ways to embrace every different side of yourself, and helping you let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Mahogany Obsidian is similar to regular (black) obsidian in that it’s a hugely protective stone. It is often used to remove energy cords between people that sap energy and cross boundaries, and it encourages strength in times of need. This stone also eliminates energetic blockages, relieves tension and stimulates growth on all levels.

Strawberry Quartz embodies a powerful love vibration, and stimulates a flow of happiness and joy. This stones energy is beneficial to settle your emotions and bring you comfort, allowing you to unlock the personal importance needed to thrive.