Mini DT


average 3.3cm
average 4g

Tiger's Eye helps balance the soul, alleviate anxiety, and restore confidence. This stone serves as a reminder to harness inner strength, stand a little taller, and to stop self-sabotaging because all the light and love needed is already stashed inside - it’s all about bringing self-confidence to the surface.

Mahogany Obsidian is similar to regular (black) obsidian in that it’s a hugely protective stone. It is often used to remove energy cords between people that sap energy and cross boundaries, and it encourages strength in times of need. This stone also eliminates energetic blockages, relieves tension and stimulates growth on all levels.

Unakite is a stone of vision - being both grounding and balancing, this stone brings emotions and spirituality together. It aids us by gradually removing circumstances that stifle mental and emotional development.

Red Jasper is said to increase emotional stamina, self-trust and courage, and offers emotional protection. Red Jasper is grounding, focusing and strengthening, and absorbs negative energy, so it’s perfect to have around when going through a hard time, or when healing emotional trauma.

Kiwi Jasper is an amazing stone for releasing addictions and compulsions, as well as enhancing emotional strength. This stone brings tranquility and relaxation.

Green Aventurine is the stone of luck, bringing good luck, strength, confidence and happiness to those who use it, especially when manifesting. It renews one’s optimism for life and pushes you to take action to acquire what is wanted in this world, urging you to step out of your comfort-zone and take on new opportunities.

Rose Quartz is known as the universal love stone, restoring trust and harmony within relationships, and encouraging unconditional love. This crystal purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

Sodalite opens the mind to logic and rationality. This stone is grounding, and can help calm any mood swings, as well as bringing soothing, calming energy to help you reach a deep meditative state.

Howlite teaches patience and helps to calm turbulent emotions, it also helps to still the mind, and is excellent for sleep and meditation. Howlite absorbs stress, tension, anxiety and other intense emotions, providing you with a higher understanding of the source of emotional stress and giving you a new perspective.

Blue Dot Jasper brings calmness and stability. It helps to with connections to the spiritual world, whilst remaining grounding and healing.