Mini Mushroom


average 2cm
average 4g

Mahogany Obsidian is similar to regular (black) obsidian in that it’s a hugely protective stone. It is often used to remove energy cords between people that sap energy and cross boundaries, and it encourages strength in times of need. This stone also eliminates energetic blockages, relieves tension and stimulates growth on all levels.

Carnelian is the stone of confidence and motivation, giving off a strong energy to enhance ambition, drive and determination. Wearing and working with this stone is a great way to get in touch with your sensuality, and to step into your most assured self.

Obsidian is the most known “protection stone”, as it keeps you clear when it comes to negative emotions and negative energy, being a safety blanket in your times of need, ensuring you aren’t dragged down by any external (or internal) forces. This stone is all about finding ways to embrace every different side of yourself, and helping you let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Red Jasper is said to increase emotional stamina, self-trust and courage, and offers emotional protection. Red Jasper is grounding, focusing and strengthening, and absorbs negative energy, so it’s perfect to have around when going through a hard time, or when healing emotional trauma.

Dalmatian Jasper promoted devotion towards other people. It is also used to help block out nightmares, as it’s believed to suck up negative or chaotic energy to encourage a good nights sleep.

Larvikite helps increase your intellect, stimulate your creativity, and deepen your wisdom by removing unnecessary thoughts, sharpening your concentration. This stone is excellent to keep with you at the workplace or school.